Aloe Vera Cream from Haya Labs is made for healing the surface skin wounds.
The cream has a high content of aloe vera – 99%, which makes it natural and bioactive way to treat your bouts.
Aloe Vera Cream from Haya Labs is made for healing the surface skin wounds.
The cream has a high content of aloe vera – 99%, which makes it natural and bioactive way to treat your bouts.
Aloe Vera Cream from Haya Labs is extremely rich from aloe vera, natural and safe product, which heals with the power of nature.
You can rely on the millennial healing history of Aloe Vera and include this gel to your life with many intended uses.
AloeVera leaves have lots of vitamins, minerals and amino acids – this is why products, consisting an extract from the plant are highly hydrating and nourishing.
Aloe Vera cream from Haya Labs relieves the symptoms of irritating and non-aesthetic skin problems – burns, crackings, excessive dryness,eczema and infections.
Aloe Vera is a popular heal against acne and slows down the processes of skin aging.
Recommended use: Apply on dry skin, whenever it is necessary
Pack size: 250 ml
Recommendation: Do not exceed the daily recommended dose