SuperCissus is a reformulated and stronger version of the very popular Cissus RX by USP Labs. The difference between Cissus RX and Super Cissus is that Super Cissus contains 10% of the active extract whereas Cissus RX contained 5%.
SuperCissus is a reformulated and stronger version of the very popular Cissus RX by USP Labs. The difference between Cissus RX and Super Cissus is that Super Cissus contains 10% of the active extract whereas Cissus RX contained 5%. USPlabs researchers discovered the power of this unique herbal remedy and have now made it available to Western athletes and bodybuilders, or anyone else who wants to support healthy muscle and bone. Super Cissus unique blend of vitamins, minerals, and plant sterol compounds not only support healthy muscle and bone, but actually helps deliver nutrients to tendons.